I know it may seem daunting at first, but I assure you that you are not alone. You are now part of a community of one hundred people who have found themselves in a unique and challenging situation. On this island, we must rely on our wits and resourcefulness to survive. The surroundings may be unfamiliar, but we have no doubt that you will quickly adapt. Explore, scavenge, and learn the lay of the land. We are all in this together, and we will work as a team to thrive.

However, we must warn you that there are some individuals on this island who may not have your best interests at heart. There are other scientists who may be working on projects that are not aligned with our group's goals. It is important to be cautious and vigilant when interacting with these individuals.

Additionally, some of the other residents on the island may have a tendency towards erratic or violent behavior. We advise you to keep a safe distance and to report any concerning behavior to the group leader.

Remember, the key to survival is to be smart, cautious, and to work together as a team. We look forward to working with you and getting to know you better.

Welcome to the Lunatic Asylum, and stay safe.
